If music be the food of love, play on.
Full name: | Dean Winchester | |
Date of birth: | 24 January 1979 | |
Place of birth: | Lawrence, Kansas | |
Date of death: | May 2, 2008 (Age 29), (Sam's Birthday) | |
Date resurrected: | September 18, 2008 (according to newspaper he picks up in Lazarus Rising) | |
Height: | 6'1" (6'3" according to the mug shots in Folsom Prison Blues). | |
Weight: | 175 lbs | |
Hair: | brown | |
Eyes: | green | |
Occupation: | hunter, con artist | |
Specialties: Cars: | combat, hunting, driving 1967 Chevy Impala most of the series 1972 AMC Gremlin (4.03) 1976 Dodge Aspen (2.14) 1987 Dodge Caravan (2. 02) |
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